DocuSign eSignature for Chrome
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DocuSign eSignature for Chrome

1.3K ratings

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Access DocuSign eSignature anytime you’re in Chrome.

Whether you’re online shopping, surfing the web, or watching your favorite show, stay in the loop and act on your documents using the DocuSign eSignature Chrome integration. View envelope status, send reminders, sign documents, and start collecting signatures directly from your Chrome browser. Sign documents in one click and turn your browser into a powerful signing tool. Start collecting signatures by uploading a document to the DocuSign eSignature Chrome integration and finish the tagging process in DocuSign. Monitor the status of all your documents. Send reminders and take immediate action when you need to sign a document. Boost security, privacy and efficiency with complete workflow integration between eSignature and Google Chrome. Free and easy: Get started with DocuSign’s basic features including eSignature, document routing and mobile app access DocuSign eSignature is the world's #1 way to sign electronically on practically any device, from almost anywhere, at any time. Today, more than 560,000 customers and hundreds of millions of users in over 180 countries use DocuSign to accelerate the process of doing business and to simplify their lives. Here’s what comes with your free plan: - Endless signing: Sign unlimited documents as a recipient. - Prepare and send documents out for signature: Send up to three documents for others to sign. - Your free plan includes all the basics: This includes “sign here” tags, document routing and mobile app access. Questions? Have questions or comments about DocuSign? We would love to hear from you, so please reach out to

4.4 out of 51.3K ratings

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T'Damitta OwensFeb 6, 2023

This is the only way I handle my personal business when sending/signing documents. So far, its been great product to use. Depending on what I need to do I rotate between DocuHub, Docusign, and if I can afford it Adobe..

2 out of 2 people found this helpful
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Mike McDonaldJun 7, 2022

I paid $132.30 to sign five documents. Now docusign wants me to pay 200+ for my 6th document. The service is not worth it- Use Adobe. Better service, better function.

4 out of 5 people found this helpful
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Meredith AxelrodFeb 3, 2022

Can't even sign a W-9 emailed to me; I click the DocuSign icon and a window pops up and give me the hourglass... I wait... and wait...

7 out of 7 people found this helpful


  • Version
  • Updated
    February 20, 2024
  • Size
  • Languages
    14 languages
  • Developer
    221 Main St San Francisco, CA 94105-1906 US
  • Trader
    This developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.


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This developer declares that your data is

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes


Google Voice (by Google)


Make calls with Google Voice with a click.

Share and attach files in Gmail™ by cloudHQ


Attach and share files effortlessly from OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Evernote and many more.

Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ


Export, convert and save Gmail™ emails as a PDF document

Contacts+ for Gmail


Enriched context about your contacts, without leaving your inbox.

DocHub - Sign PDF from Gmail


Sign and edit PDF documents



SignNow is an award-winning e-signature solution that allows you to sign, send, and manage documents on any device. SignNow…

Digital Signature for PDF Files


Create beautiful signature with ease and optionally put in a PDF file.

signNow - Sign and Fill PDF & Word Documents


Sign PDF and Word documents from the web by clicking "Open in signNow" from any document in your browser.

Send from Gmail (by Google)


Makes Gmail your default email application and provides a button to compose a Gmail message to quickly share a link via email

Digital Signature Extension


Extension for EDS Plugin.

Fill: Edit, Sign, Send, Store and Print PDF's


Fill makes it simple to complete PDF forms. Sign documents, or send a form to someone to sign. Edit, print or download your forms!

Topaz SigPlusExtLite Extension


The Topaz SigPlusExtLite Chrome Extension enables users to capture signatures on a wide variety of Topaz signature pads.

Google Voice (by Google)


Make calls with Google Voice with a click.

Share and attach files in Gmail™ by cloudHQ


Attach and share files effortlessly from OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Evernote and many more.

Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ


Export, convert and save Gmail™ emails as a PDF document

Contacts+ for Gmail


Enriched context about your contacts, without leaving your inbox.

DocHub - Sign PDF from Gmail


Sign and edit PDF documents



SignNow is an award-winning e-signature solution that allows you to sign, send, and manage documents on any device. SignNow…

Digital Signature for PDF Files


Create beautiful signature with ease and optionally put in a PDF file.

signNow - Sign and Fill PDF & Word Documents


Sign PDF and Word documents from the web by clicking "Open in signNow" from any document in your browser.

Google apps