Create and measure engaging employee newsletters with Staffbase Email.
Create and measure engaging employee newsletters with Staffbase Email. In real-time, you can collaborate with your team in our drag-and-drop designer to build engaging, on-brand employee emails. Measure the impact of your email strategy after you hit send and find out what's working or not. Gather employee feedback with pulse surveys and comments to make emails a two-way conversation. To start using the extension, you must have your Google account enabled to use the Staffbase Email account by the Staffbase team. More details are available in, Getting Started With the Staffbase Email Add-in or Extension – If your organization is already a Staffbase customer and your Google account is not enabled yet, don't hesitate to contact Staffbase support to enable it. You can do this by opening a ticket in Submit a request – If you are interested in purchasing Staffbase Email for your organization and start using the Stafbase Email Chrome Extension Schedule a Personal Demo – Learn more at
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- Versione5.5.1
- Ultimo aggiornamento:1 agosto 2023
- Dimensioni1.68MiB
- LingueEnglish
- SviluppatoreStaffbase SESito web
Annaberger Str. 73 Chemnitz 09111 DEEmail
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