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SaveTheProof's Chrome Extension. More info on

What is SaveTheProof? SaveTheProof is an online platform that allows its users to certify the content of any web page (public or private) and any other file. The website can be a social network, a video, your private banking area, a company’s website, a forum, … We currently live in a time where our daily life revolves around the mobile phone, computer, tablet … The way we interact with people has included an electronic component that seems impossible to get rid of. We expose ourselves to the world on social networks, we look for partners in mobile dating apps, we buy, we sell, we play … Technology has allowed any of us to publish content on the Internet whic is accessible in milliseconds on the other side of the planet. That versatility and immediacy has allowed people to get the best, but also the worst. If we add to this that the Internet is a volatile medium, we find ourselves in an environment where, almost with the same ease, the content that is published can be modified or even deleted, and often without leaving a trace. Savetheproof aims to provide certainty and security by allowing its users to certify instantly, easily and, above all, with legal validity, the content of web pages and files. What is this extension for? The aim of this extension is to make easier the capture process of digital evidence. When you are on a site whose content must be certified by SaveTheProof, just click on the extension and you will be automatically redirected to the SaveTheProof's platform to complete the certification process. Don't hesitate to contact us by email or chat if you have any questions.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    8 aprile 2021
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  • Non commerciante
    Questo sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.


SaveTheProof ha comunicato le seguenti informazioni relative alla raccolta e all'utilizzo dei tuoi dati.

SaveTheProof gestisce quanto segue:

Informazioni di autenticazione

Questo sviluppatore dichiara che i tuoi dati:

  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.


Per ricevere assistenza in merito a domande, suggerimenti o problemi, visita il sito di assistenza dello sviluppatore

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