Attack on Fatboy
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Attack on Fatboy
46 kasutajad
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Planeetide sõjamehed on keset äge võitlus tulnukad.

The intergalactic warriors are in the middle of a fierce battle against aliens. The extra-terrestrials have invaded our planet and started to destroy everything. You must purge them from the planet. These guardians (that's what we call the earth warriors) are preparing to clean up our planet and protect it from harm; to do this, they need your help. But watch out: Their boss, the Fatboy, will not let you achieve your goal. Attack on Fatboy is a game that will test your speed and your fighting abilities. Defeat all the extra-terrestrials and pass all the levels to win. The wonderful graphics are going to immerse you deeply in this thrilling story. HOW TO PLAY : You can choose between two characters, each with a specific weapon. During the game you must shoot your opponents and move your character to avoid enemy fire. Features : - 20 levels - 2 earth guardians - Special weapons - Several extra-terrestrials - 1 big boss: The Fatboy

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    26. oktoober 2015
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    42 keelt
  • Arendaja
    28 allée des oliviers, Cidex 3 Roquefort Les Pins 06330 FR
  • Kaupleja
    See arendaja on end Euroopa Liidu definitsiooni järgi määratlenud ettevõtjaks.


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