Imagen del logotipo del elemento de ATTACK of the KEYBOARD



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31 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general


ATTACK of the KEYBOARD is complete! Play 3 Different Levels: * "The Kids Room" * "The Tea Room" * "The Hangout" Each room Is designed help you get better by breaking the keyboard down into 3 LEVELS. Room one: "The Kids Room" Covers all the letters on the TOP row (Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P) Room Two: "The Tea Room" Covers; (A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L) Room Three: "the Hangout" Covers; (Z,X,C,V,B,N,M) By Beating all THREE Levels in the GAME your KIDS will slowly devolve a sense of where all the keys on the KEYBOARD are helping them become faster more proficient typist. ATTACK of the KEYBOARD infuses exciting game play with a specific educational purpose in mind. Whether you're trying to pass the 3 Levels Designed to help you slowly learn where all the keys on the Keyboard are, or playing the challenging Survival MODE in order to beat your TOP Score, ATTACK of the KEYBOARD has you focused on a FUN, SIMPLE, GAME while all the while TEACHING your Brain how to be a better Typist! When you're done Playing the Three Levels put your skills to the challenge with super hard survival mode That will have you at the edge of you Keyboard! Attack of the KEYBOARD is A Great game for any one wanting to become a FASTER Typist without having to take a Boring Class!

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  • Fecha de actualización
    20 de septiembre de 2014
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