Art Studio
Art Studio의 상품 로고 이미지

Art Studio

평점 11개

동영상 썸네일 항목
동영상 썸네일 항목
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
동영상 썸네일 항목
동영상 썸네일 항목
동영상 썸네일 항목
동영상 썸네일 항목
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
동영상 썸네일 항목
동영상 썸네일 항목


Art Studio... Express yourself! Draw, sketch, paint, color.. share! Art Studio is the drawing, sketching app interactive white…

Art Studio... Express yourself! Draw, sketch, paint, color.. share! Art Studio is the drawing, sketching app interactive white board, presentation app. Annotate and manipulate photos, draw in any color (including neon), with multiple brush types.. add text.. then replay your drawing in movie mode. Or, just draw! If you like to create great works of art and share with your friends, or simply doodle to relax, Art Studio is the app for you. Art Studio lets you draw, scribble or doodle with normal lines or vivid neon colors. Start with a photo as the background and Art Studio lets you edit and decorate it or even take a photo from within the app to capture the moment... then color and decorate. Try it - Art Studio is FUN, FUN, FUN! Now share your art with other Art Studio users with PEN.UP by Samsung (requires android 14 or higher). Explore other PEN.UP art, create your own PEN.UP collections with your art, doodles and decorated photos. NOW: See your drawing replay in MOVIE MODE! Watch our YouTube videos at: Art Studio raises the bar for chrome drawing apps. Start with a blank background, you photo or take a photo and use one of the 11 tools provided to draw, sketch, doodle, play, create, decorate!!!!!! You can: - Draw points & squiggles - Draw lines - Draw open squares and rectangles - Draw filled squares and rectangles - Draw open circles and ovals - Draw filled circles and ovals - Add text - Adjust the drawing a full 360 degrees and zoom to 300%, 400% or larger to create fine detail - Erase, Undo, ReDo - Add any of our predefined stickers to your drawings and photos Most important - Art Studio is relaxing and fun - all while you are being creative! Try it!

5점 만점에 2.3점평점 11개

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  • 버전
  • 업데이트됨
    2015년 9월 8일
  • 크기
  • 언어
    언어 54개
  • 개발자
  • 비판매자
    판매자로 식별되지 않은 개발자입니다. 유럽 연합에 거주하는 소비자의 경우, 이 개발자와 체결한 계약에 대해서는 소비자 권리가 적용되지 않을 수 있음을 유의해야 합니다.

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