Amazon Prime Video - Rotten Tomatoes Overlay
Logobild des Artikels für Amazon Prime Video - Rotten Tomatoes Overlay

Amazon Prime Video - Rotten Tomatoes Overlay


18 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung3.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
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Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
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Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot


Overlays Amazon Prime Video™ with Rotten Tomatoes™ movie and TV ratings.

[DEPRECATED - NO LONGER MAINTAINED] POP: Prime-Video • Overlay • Pop-up This extension provides scores from Rotten Tomatoes™ to the media included within the Amazon Prime Video™ service. Simply hover your mouse over a movie or TV show on the Amazon Prime Video™ website to use this extension. If you found this extension helpful, a rating goes a long way 😊 If you find any issues using this extension, or have any suggestions, feel free to send me a message. Disclaimer: Amazon™ , Amazon Prime Instant Video™ and Rotten Tomatoes™ are registered trademarks and have no affiliation to this extension or the author of said extension. Changelog: v1.61 - Add static slider, (non-video), support v1.60 - Fix error caused by google search element change (again) v1.59 - Fix errors caused by google search element change v1.58 - Fix multiple fatal errors caused by rotten tomato and amazon prime video site updates v1.53 - Fix fatal error caused by change to google search engine v1.52 - Added domain support for known "" URL extensions v1.51 - Fix fatal error where extension attempts to access incorrect element of Prime Video element on sliders causing sliders to not display ratings v1.5 - Added support for checking sliders below single page of media. Refactored majority of extension for readability, efficiency, and ease of use v1.43 - Fix fatal error where extension attempts to access incorrect element of alphabet inc. search resulting in 'page not found' error v1.42 - Domain support added for users in the United Kingdom ( v1.41 - Update element names with new names v1.4 - Complete overhaul of extension was necessary after Prime Video UI experienced a complete change - Added support for signed in users of Prime Video, and those who are not signed in - In addition to displaying ratings on the Prime Video homepage, extension now displays ratings when a user clicks on film/video, and when hovers over 'Customers who watched this item also watched' v1.37 - Domain support added for Australian users, and fixed for Brazilian users*, and all countries that use the URL (*) Loading image resized to be less obtrusive v1.33 - Domain support added for Brazilian users *post-release-fix of this update should have fixed any more issues for Brazilian users* v1.32 - Support for multiple countries' top level domains added (eg:*,* ect) v1.31 - Fix fatal error where extension attempts to access incorrect element of search resulting in 'page not found' error v1.29 - Fix fatal error where extension is unable to run due to recent update to google search where all visible URLS were replaced with breadcrumb styling v1.23 - Fix issue where extension does not run if prime video URL includes '/gp/' when the user accesses the different options on the 'Amazon Prime Video' page, ex: 'all videos' , 'your videos' , 'included with prime' , etc v1.22 - Fix issue where extension does not run if prime video URL includes '/Prime-Video/' instead of '/Amazon-Video/' v1.21 - Change extension name and description v1.2 - Fix issue where extension does not run if prime video is accessed through the 'Your Prime Video' option under 'My account' v1.1 - Change manifest with short name addition

3,6 von 518 Bewertungen

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    31. Juli 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Vankirk Productions
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