Advanced Memories
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Advanced Memories

6 Bewertungen

389 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot


Advanced Memory is an educational game for increasing concentration and improving memory. The objective of the game is to find and…

Advanced Memory is an educational game for increasing concentration and improving memory. The objective of the game is to find and match the exact pairs of the hidden pictures. Advanced Memories contains two modes: time challenge and tap challenge. There are 150 levels in full version of the Memories game for each type of game and 20 different sets of cards. This game is especially good game for children, though adults may find it challenging and stimulating as well. How to play: • Choose game mode: time or tap challenge. • Choose available level. • You will be shown some cards with their faces down. Click on the hidden images and match the exact pairs. If both cards are the same, those cards will be removed. If they are different, remember what is on the card so you can try again. • The game is over when you have matched all of the pairs and all the cards are gone.

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    24. Juli 2013
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