Address Autocomplete API by PostGrid™
Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Address Autocomplete API by PostGrid™

Address Autocomplete API by PostGrid™
ExtensiónPara desarrolladores116 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)

Descripción general

Autocomplete, Geocode, Reverse Geocode, Verify and Validate Address Data Across the World (250 Countries and Territories)

Address Autocomplete API - Powered by PostGrid™ provides an accurate address solution for E-Commerce websites, or any website where user inputs address fields and it will auto-suggest valid and verified address database from USPS (United States Postal Service), Canada Post and 245+ countries and territories certified data sources. Our Autocomplete Address API can be used in any website that has user address fields such as during checkout of an e-commerce site, during customer address input during lengthy long application processes, in custom address finder for delivery addresses like pizza, restaurants and many more. Many Different Use Cases of PostGrid™ Address Autocomplete API: E-Commerce Websites: - use our Address API to Simplify the checkout process by eliminating keystrokes for shipping and billing information. - reduce cart abandonment rates by reducing form data input from users - increase conversion rates by providing a good user experience by auto-filling forms using our drop-down address suggestions - eliminate typos and spelling mistakes of addresses - validate the address to see if it is real and mailable by post offices - standardize addresses to be the same format as postal office address format - save money by reducing your returned shipments by having the right address every time Food Delivery App - use our Address API to validate and confirm the address of your customers actual address to reduce time and failed deliveries - deliver the right order at the right address every time - build brand loyalty by delivering the right addresses every time - save money on customer care support - reduce refunds Mobile Application - get right user address fields from customer data input - have clean and updated customer address data fields - give your users good user experience during signup process - reduce friction by auto-filling address fields from the address suggestion dropdown fields Custom software tool - capture your customers accurate address within your custom application or software - have updated and accurate address data of your customers - cleanse your existing customer address data using our Address API KYC Apps - capture your customers real and actual mailable address with our monthly updated address data right from the postal office address database - never get a wrong address from your customers data input - clean and update your customer data Few Considerations for Developers using Address Autocomplete API by PostGrid™: - Geolocation: Suggest addresses based on users IP address to give them better user experience - Unit Numbers (Apartment Numbers): Suggest unit or apartment numbers whereas other major autocomplete API don't provide it - PO Boxes: Suggest the right PO Boxes registered withing USPS and Canada Post address database - Standardization & Validation: Standardize and validate addresses in realtime after autocompleting address field using our Address Autocomplete API - Parse Addresses: Parse addresses into separate fields such as street number, street name, city, zip code, state etc. - Accurate mailable and deliverable address: Ensure customers are only inputting real and accurable mailable address. - Realtime Address Verification: Verify addresses in realtime as customer is entering addresses by using our Address Autocomplete API combined with our accurate verified address.

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  • Actualizado
    1 de mayo de 2024
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