Logobild des Artikels für Entanglement Web App

Entanglement Web App


3.906 Bewertungen

1.000.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot
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Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
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Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot


Treten Sie gegen Ihre Freunde an und lösen Sie ein kniffliges Waben-Puzzle!

Entanglement is a puzzle game made for you by Gopherwood Studios. Try to make the longest path possible. Rotate and place hexagonal tiles etched with paths to extend your path without running into a wall. This web game includes: Solitaire - In this single-player mode, you try to beat your own record or compete against others on our daily, weekly, and all-time leaderboards. Multiplayer - Play against up to 5 other people on the same computer in this hot-seat variation. This mode offers a chance to challenge your friends head-to-head: try to grab the longest paths without running into each other or the wall. Additionally, once you have installed Entanglement, you can play without needing a connection to the Internet. Unplug and enjoy! --- Love Entanglement and want more? Try the Expansion Sampler! Explore an engaging new game mode with a wild twist, two stylish maps, and a daily challenge to see who is the best at Entanglement! Sakura Grove - A completely new game-play mode for Entanglement! You have a spacious garden surrounded by cherry trees, but you have a limited number of tiles to play. Acquire more tiles by directing your path through one of the cherry trees, which blooms every time you pass through it. Hana Blossom - A new flower-shaped map for Entanglement with the original rules. The map is larger but the petals provide an interesting challenge; it’s easy to get into one, but make sure to plan your way out, or your game will end quickly! This is a wonderful challenge for advanced Entanglement players. Lotus Petal - A new tiny map for Entanglement also using the original rules. It is a great training ground to practice your ability to string together long paths and plan future moves. You can also play the map quickly enough to have a nice slice of Entanglement fun in the time of a commercial break. Daily Challenge - A new challenge every day for Entanglement players! All players are given the exact same set of tiles for the entire day, competing on strategy alone for the daily championship! This expansion is available for Entanglement enthusiasts for $1.99 via Google Checkout or PayPal. --- Thanks for playing Entanglement! We’re happy to hear so many people are enjoying it. We’ve seen a few posts about problems people have been having with Entanglement and we’re doing our best to resolve them. If you have a problem please click the ‘App support’ link on the right to view a list of known problems and solutions. Thanks!

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    4. September 2013
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    39 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Gopherwood Studios
    PO Box 789 Icard 28666 United States
  • Kein Händler
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