2 Minutes Math for Kids
2 Minutes Math for Kids のアイテムロゴ画像

2 Minutes Math for Kids


1 件の評価

アイテム メディアの 1 スクリーンショット


The next time your kid(s) asks to borrow your phone or tablet for a game of this or that, let him try out this free and colorful 2…

The next time your kid(s) asks to borrow your phone or tablet for a game of this or that, let him try out this free and colorful 2 Mins Math for Kids! app instead (or as a precondition to his game of this or that). 2 Mins Math for Kids! is a simple, straightforward, quick and engaging math exercise session that gives your child an opportunity to practice with all the four essential math operations i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for a turbocharged and educational 2 minutes. Features include: ~The math operators are unlocked sequentially in order of difficulty i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and finally, division. ~Includes a points system for high scores tracking! ~Incorporates bright colors when in practice mode so you know when the child is not practicing it. ;-) ~Includes a special, and more challenging 'Star Problem' level for once all the 4 operators levels (plus 1) has been unlocked.

5 点満点で 11 件の評価

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