Shareaholic for Google Chrome™
Shareaholic for Google Chrome™의 상품 로고 이미지

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™

평점 923개

항목 미디어 4 스크린샷
항목 미디어 5 스크린샷
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항목 미디어 4 스크린샷
항목 미디어 5 스크린샷


The easiest way to share & bookmark great content from anywhere on the web with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & 200+ other services.

Share links from any webpage, with anyone, using the services you already know and love like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, and and any other sharing or saving service from one simple, convenient all-in-one browser extension. ✓ Save time and enhance your productivity! ✓ Optimized to load instantly without slowing down Google Chrome ✓ Keeps your bookmark bar nice & tidy ✓ Makes all your shared links across all your networks searchable in one place ✓ 1-click access to your favorite URL Shorteners (, etc) ✓ Ability to sync extension settings across multiple computers and browsers ✓ NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED! ✓ 100% secure If you like it, we'd appreciate if you'd rate it with a 5 star (see below) and tell your friends! If you think it falls short in anyway, please let us know at【】what you didn't like, so it will get fixed ASAP We also love our users and have excellent customer service! Here are a couple of quotes: "One of my favorite daily-use tools for a while now :) It rocks." -- Leslie Poston, co-author of the book "Twitter For Dummies" "This extension is fast; does not slow down Chrome at all." -- TechCrunch Notice ******** Shareaholic does not access your private data. Chrome shows the warning for all extensions that access browser tabs even if they do not access any private data. Also available for all other major web browsers like Firefox, Safari and IE. Services *********** The extension support 100+ services with weekly updates and additions:

5점 만점에 3.9점평점 923개

Google은 리뷰를 검증하지 않습니다. 검색결과 및 리뷰에 관해 자세히 알아보기


  • 버전
    Explorer 35
  • 업데이트됨
    2022년 7월 20일
  • 크기
  • 언어
    언어 8개
  • 개발자
    45 Prospect St Cambridge, MA 02139 US
  • 판매자
    개발자가 유럽 연합에서 정의한 바에 따라 본인을 판매자로 밝혔습니다.

개인정보 보호

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™에서 데이터 수집 및 사용과 관련하여 다음 정보를 공개했습니다. 더 자세한 정보는 개발자의 개인정보처리방침을 참고하세요.

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ 항목은 다음을 처리합니다.

개인 식별 정보
웹사이트 콘텐츠

개발자가 사용자 데이터에 관해 다음과 같이 선언했습니다

  • 승인된 사용 사례를 제외하고 서드 파티에 판매하지 않음
  • 항목의 핵심 기능과 관련 없는 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음
  • 신용도 판단 또는 대출 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음


관련 항목

Share Tools


Share the current page on Twitter, FB, Reddit and many popular sites. Add your favorite site.

Easy Share


Share the current link on: Twitter, Facebook Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr or Gmail. Just that simple.

Share with for Google Chrome™


An extension that allows you to easily share web pages to various social sites and web apps.



An easy-to-use blog editor lets you post to all of your blogs.

Feedly Mini


Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

Share with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email


Share web pages, images, and links with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, email, and Kindle.



Buffer is the best way to share great content to Social Networks from anywhere on the web.

AddToAny: Share Anywhere


Share to Facebook, Mastodon, email, and any other sharing or saving service quickly and easily with one share button.

AppJump App Launcher and Organizer


Quickly launch Apps from browser toolbar. Organize Apps and Extensions into Groups. Manage Apps and Extensions with ease.

WordXPress - WordPress fastest posting tool


Post very quickly pictures and videos from a web page to your wordPress blog using XML-RPC

Shareaholic for Pinterest


Send images from any website to your pinboards.



ShareThis offers free and easy to use sharing buttons from popular social networks.

Share Tools


Share the current page on Twitter, FB, Reddit and many popular sites. Add your favorite site.

Easy Share


Share the current link on: Twitter, Facebook Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr or Gmail. Just that simple.

Share with for Google Chrome™


An extension that allows you to easily share web pages to various social sites and web apps.



An easy-to-use blog editor lets you post to all of your blogs.

Feedly Mini


Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

Share with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email


Share web pages, images, and links with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, email, and Kindle.



Buffer is the best way to share great content to Social Networks from anywhere on the web.

AddToAny: Share Anywhere


Share to Facebook, Mastodon, email, and any other sharing or saving service quickly and easily with one share button.

Google 앱